Evidence-based e-learning website that enables healthcare professionals to identify and handle suicidal behaviour.
This project is part of the Flemish Action Plan for Suicide Prevention. It aims to develop an evidence-based, multidisciplinary guideline allowing doctors, psychologists and nurses to detect and treat suicidal behaviour.
Transforming guidelines
MindBytes supported VLESP by translating the guideline into a practical e-learning website which allows accreditation and which covers the guideline’s content (know-what) as well as real-life cases (know-how). We also created stand-alone infographics and explainer animation videos that convey the guideline key messages in an intuitive and appealing way.
- Vlaams Expertisecentrum Suicidepreventie (VLESP)
- Centrum ter Preventie van Zelfdoding (CPZ)
- Zelfmoord 1813
- Eenheid voor Zelfmoordonderzoek UGent (EZO)
- Vlaams Agentschap Zorg en Gezondheid (VAZG)
Positive reception
SP-Reflex e-learning & training modules were evaluated via an online survey (n=327) in HCPs (HealthCare Professionals) performed by VLESP (2017-2018).
The guidelines and e-learning website have since become a widely used and well-implemented tool in mental health services.