Interactive training materials to enable the elicitation of the preferences of public and the patients about new stratified approaches to prescribing biologics for rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis
Together with researchers based at The University of Manchester, we created an interactive educational component using a narrative storyline, (‘training materials’) to be embedded within a survey that asked respondents to complete a Discrete Choice Experiment (DCE).

Informed choices
The objective of training materials in DCEs are to inform the sample of respondents (general public and patients) about the questions being asked in such a way that they can make informed choices when they complete the survey.
Two diseases
Two separate training materials were prepared for rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis but they contained the same structure and core content.
Stratified medicine
The key focus was to inform respondents what is meant by stratified medicine and how the stratified approach can be used to target the use of biologic therapies.